Sunday, May 11, 2014

Petit Fours

Bonjour!!! Today I am back with a French recipe... or twist on a French recipe. Traditional petit fours are itty bitty bite sized layer cakes that have liquid fondant poured on them for a glaze. Well, I wanted to make something a little bigger, and I do not like fondant, so I altered some things. I made them more of a cupcake size, and                              didn't frost them. I like being able to see the layers too.
The 'little ovens' (direct French translation) are made of a delicious vanilla cake that has been levelled, sliced, and cut with a cookie cutter. Cream cheese frosting and diced strawberries fill in between the layers, and fresh whipped cream top them off. I also made some chocolate drizzled strawberries that I will serve them with. It is a very light dessert that I'm sure my mom will enjoy for Mother's Day.
So, although they may not be the true classic recipe, I was inspired by them and had a lot of fun making them. If you're looking for something other than a cake or cupcake to make, try making these. They will surely impress whoever gets the opportunity to eat them :) And lets be honest, cake is cake isn't it? We all just want to stick a fork in it and eat it. 
Hooray for pretty food pictures too

Petit Fours (or in this case, mini layer cakes)
-1 layer of vanilla cake (I used sweetapolita's recipe and baked it in 1, 9 inch pan)
-1 cup of cream cheese frosting, or frosting of your preference
-2 strawberries
-1/2 cup freshly whipped cream

Using a cake leveler or serrated knife, level the top of your cake so it is flat. Cut it in half. Using a 3 inch, round cookie cutter, cut out pieces of cake making sure you have the same number of layers for each mini cake. I always freeze extra cake scraps for cake pops.

Dice up the strawberries into small pieces. Set aside.

Make a little tower out of the cake layers, and starting with one layer pipe or spread cream cheese frosting over the surface. Place on your serving platter. Make a small indentation in the middle, and add a some diced strawberries. Top with another cake layer, and pipe more cream cheese frosting.

Repeat the process of piping frosting, adding strawberries, and layering cake until it has all been used up. 

Mmmm fresh strawberries!

Pipe some whipped cream on top and top with a raspberry or fruit/decoration of your choice. 

Refrigerate until ready to serve.

They are super quick and easy to make, and elegant to serve as a fancy dessert. I hope you enjoy them!

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