Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cupcakes for Cancer

This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. Originally it was going to be cheesecakes for cancer, but I think cupcakes are more fun. There is no specific reason why I'm doing this, but cancer just kind of sticks with me. We learned about it in school, and the details behind it really make me think. And the reason why I want it cured is because people have no control over getting cancer. It isn't something you can get vaccinated or take pills to avoid. You either get it or you don't, and I can't imagine what it would be like to live with. And that's why I'm doing this. I want it to be cured so there is the option of "I will never have cancer."

So what is "Cupcakes for Cancer"? It is something I've started to raise money for an event called "The Relay For life." It occurs every year and it celebrates cancer survivors, and remembers the people who have lost the battle. It lasts 12 hours and is tons of fun. People dress up and walk around a track and there are games and prizes to be won. I enjoy attending the event, so I figured this was a good project to put my funds towards.

I make all my cupcakes from scratch, then I post a picture to my Facebook for any of my friends to see. They can then let me know how many cupcakes they would like (with reason of course!) and I bring them to school the next day. Any that I don't sell at school go to my mom's or dad's work to sell. Last weekend I made about $30 for 20 cupcakes. I ask 1.50 as a minimum donation but people are welcome to spend more. All proceeds go towards the fundraising.

The future of Cupcakes for Cancer? It's a big one! My mom is talking to her co-workers about me selling cupcakes once a week in front of the bank. That means my ingredients would be sponsored which would be super helpful! This would be something to do in the summer because I don't really do anything else ;) I think it's a great idea because I would get lots of popularity and would be raising lots of money! I might even get a job at the cake shop near by so it's a win-win for everyone!

I hope more people become inspired to do what I've been doing for our community. My teacher was so proud of me, she gave me bonus marks for good citizenship! I was amazed and so thankful! It made me (and makes me) feel amazing to be doing something to help the world.

I will post my weekly cupcakes for other people to use the recipes. Tomorrow is a "strawberry dream cloud cupcake" that I invented! Stay tuned!

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